Like a bolt of lightning, the idea came to her!...And so she found herself sewing in her kitchen until the wee hours of the morning. Cheryl Crumpnickq would design, create and sell her own line of designer couture dashiki's.
Just a quick sketch of a building near where I live. I might have exaggerated some of the features a bit. Anyway, it was a beautiful day to draw and thanks to Kat I had a wonderful time.
More pumpkin doodle madness!!! Here's my offering to the Halloween Gods this year. Click the image to see it all biggerized if you'd like a closer look at the awesomitude.
Just the other day I went Pumpkin Pickin' and got me a good one right off the vine! Oh, and I got lost in a corn maze too! Hooray for fall fun-time! Also, if anyone was wondering whether or not to eat ciderkraut on a hotdog...the answer is an overwhelming YES!!!
The other day at work, some idiot client told us that we couldn't possibly put facial hair on any of our adorable 3d people. Nah, why would you want to do something that makes it easy to distinguish between tons of characters at a glance. Oh clients...They always know best.
A friend of mine once told me a funny story about a guy who used to beat him up as a kid. Naturally, I completely forgot the story other than the nickname of the main bully, "The Beak." For whatever reason, this is what I imagined him to look like. When I showed my friend the doodle, he said, "Nope, that really doesn't look like him at all." To which I replied, "Perfect."
After watching a random sampling of what passes for children's cartoons recently I realized that something must be done. (I'm working on a few ideas...most likely none have anything to do with the doodle above) I think two of the best new shows are on Cartoon Network: Chowder and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack Check 'em out if you haven't seen them yet!
So while this isn't Kurfuffle, I am here to say that I'm back! I appologize to everyone for leaving for so long, and thank those who continue to peek in and see if I'm still alive. I have been moving and it's taken a lot longer than I had hoped. I still have boxes that need unpacking but I'm starting to put my life back together. Thank you all again. Here's just a quick sketch I did for a concept at work today. I'll be around more often, I promise....and as for Kurfuffle......soonish.
Hey there folks! I'm still pretty busy these days but one of the fun things I'm making time for is painting...lots and lots of painting. I'm trying to experiment and at the same time learn how to paint. The piece above is acrylic on a wood plank roughly 17x9in. It doesn't have a title yet but I'm open to suggestions. More to come! I think I might eventually try to sell them along with limited edition prints....stay tuned...
Here's a color study I did for a painting I'm working on. I'll post the final when it's done. I'm painting a lot helps keep me off the streets.
Helllloooo! It's been a while but I think I have a good reason for not posting...I've been working on a new painting. I'm going to be in a gallery show at the end of the month featuring work that was painted on skate decks. I'm honored to be included with a bunch of really talented people. If you're in the NJ/NY area, you should come check it out! The opening will be at Maxwell's gallery in Hoboken, NJ on June 23rd. The show runs for about two months and everything is for sale. I can't wait to see what everybody's made. The theme for the show is entry is posted above. Hope to see some of you there! (Thanks to Andrea for putting the show together!)
Hey everybody, as promised, here's what I've been working endlessly on for the past three months! This is the newest animated short I made with some very talented friends as an entry into the first annual Opie and Anthony animation festival. It premiered last night at Roseland Ballroom in NYC to a packed audience of roughly 1,800 people. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I'm very proud of how it turned out, great job everyone!
Oh and like the title suggests, there's some bad words and "adult situations" so this might not be one for the kids....because we all know nothing keeps kids away like telling them they can't see something...especially on the internets............. So enjoy, kids!
So it's been a while...I've been busy with work, went to Vegas, and I'm working on a new animated short. Things have been a bit hectic but I can't complain....did I mention VEGAS??!! (i did) What a crazy place that is. Good, bad, and evil...but Fantastic all around!
Here's a sketch I did for a possible painting I'm working on. I'll be in a gallery show mid June so I need to get my butt in gear. I'll post more when I can....sooon!
Here's some fun with watercolor. Above is the final and below is the process (although I like the final letterbox version on the bottom right.) I took it into photoshop and played with the colors. It's an experiment for creating background art in a new short I'm working on. The final BG's won't look anything like this piece but I had fun doing it.
I might be alone on this but I love/prefer plain yellow mustard to other mustard choices. Of course honey mustard doesn't count, it's in a league of it's own. YAY MUSTARD!
It's a good thing my creations aren't real...yet. When you paint them up they become the stuff nightmares are made of. That's not to say that I wouldn't love this little guy. He'd be a hit with the ladies.
Trying to de-stress. Sometimes it's just good to get away from it all. I hope you all had a good weekend. (Click to make it not so small)
This is Kenny, he's a Sleepstronaut. It is what it sounds like. He's one of the many crew members responsible for helping you travel to that restful place. Problem is he's usually late when he gets to my house.
Maurice is a taxi driver just trying to get by. Don't give him a hard time, he's needs to put food on the table. He appreciates tips and people not puking in his back seat.
Sure he's a bit bummed now, but what he doesn't realize is that his girlfriend is waiting for him at his house to cheer him up with a big basket full of puppies! Delicious, delicious puppies...
So as some of you might have noticed, lately (the past few months) I've been behind on the daily aspect of the "Daily Doodle." Life got in the way and doodle posting got pushed back. That's not to say that I haven't continued drawing every single day! I've even been "back-posting" my unfinished doodles in recent weeks...but now it's time for me to face the facts...It's already March and I miss the daily part of this site! No longer will this look like an untouched blog of yester-year...welcome to the now! (Basically I'm writing the current date from now on and posting daily...if I can't for some internet-less reason, I'll either post something beforehand or I'll tell you about my break and resume asap. Once again, something to look forward to!
I'd also like to thank all of the people who have been loyal fans of what I'm doing over here. I always like meeting new people, artists or not. Thank you all very much, your comments mean a lot to me and it still flatters me to know that more than just my folks are checking this page out. [ Not that having my folks looking is bad...heck sometimes it's the best way for them to learn about what's going on in my life. ;) ] ...and now, on to some NEW DOODLES!
I have seen the human body, inside and out...and yes, it's awesome. This does however disprove my friend's theory that we're all made up of tiny hamburgers.
My mind is finally filled with less worry and more relaxation. No matter how far you grow on your own, you'll always be surrounded by those who love you, in the garden.
UPDATE!!! WE WON THE CONTEST!!! Thanks to everyone for checking out our animation! Great job team!
Hey everybody, I'm excited and thought I'd share with you all that I just finished an animation I directed for a contest sponsored by the Opie and Anthony Radio Show and the new movie Be Kind Rewind. We're currently in the running for the top two entries. I couldn't be more excited! Please check it out and if you like it, tell as many people as you can!
I directed it, animated a bit and created all of the artwork as well. I had an awesome team of animators working with me and we kicked this out in 8 days. We're all huge fans of the show and managed to have the company we work for sponsor us to work on it. I hope you like it!
More doodles are on their way...i promise, it's been fortunately busy around my world.
Welcome to The Sounds Like Blue (almost) Daily Doodle! I'm an animator/designer who loves drawing and chicken salad sandwiches...This blog is devoted to the former. I like sharing what I'm up to (almost) every day. I tend to wander between a vast array of styles. If you think you would like to work with me on something, or would like to commission some work, drop me a line. If you like what you see, please leave me some comment love. I always appreciate feedback. Feel free to check back to see a new doodle often!
So kick back and throw your feet up on my table. That's how things are done at my house. Thanks for reading this, unless you skipped to the end, then I take that back until you read it all. Then we're cool.