Wednesday, July 25, 2007


"No Problems, No Hassles."

...or so they say. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Bob. Bob looks for bugs day in and day out. Bob hates his job. Bob used to work as a chemist. If you'd like to know more, please refer to Fig.1 above. Let's just say I now know more about Bob than he does.


It's not easy being beautiful. Sometimes you just have to come to terms with who you are and say to hell with everybody who can't see how awesome I am. Just don't let it go to your head flipper boy.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Meet Ed and Ted, respectively. They're brothers who were forced to live together after their mother passed away. They have different outlooks on life but make no mistake, there's love there. If you'd like to see more of them, here's a link to the work in progress for my thesis film. I don't pay them nearly enough.


Back...With Gusto!

I just got my computer back and it's up and running better than ever. They were able to rebuild it...better, faster, stronger. You might even say that it's "lightning fast." It may take me a while to get all caught up on doodles but until then, here's a few paintings I did for my thesis film I'm working on. The film will be completed by the end of August and once it is I'll post a link to it.
Oh, and thank you to all you well wishers and helpers for getting me back on my feet!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Where'd He Go? I need new doodles!

Thanks everyone for the comments... my computer recently lost a battle with lightning and i'm working on getting everything back and up to speed. This hasn't kept me from doodling every day...i'll post again once i'm up and running. Until then, have a great day!

p.s. don't piss off will only end badly.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


"I'm tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am." -Paula Abdul

This little gem was brought to you by the newest train wreck star to join the reality show express. Her show "Hey Paula!" is mind melting and leaves you asking whaaaa?

Sunday, July 1, 2007


July!!!! Happy July Everybody!!!
(Thanks to everyone for continuing to check out my stuff and leaving me some comment love! It means a lot.)